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Alternative Protein Sources

If Whey Protein Sources aren't for you for one reason or another, take a look at other protein sources available on the market.












Pea Protein  🍵

✅ Contains all 9 essential amino acids

✅ High in Protein 

✅ Easy to digest if you are prone to bloating

➡️ Takes longer to digest and absorb, making you fuller for longer

✅ Contains all 9 essential amino acids (However some in very low doses)

✅ Has other health benefits, such as a good source of fibre and contains good un-saturated fats 

➡️ Very Expensive in comparison to other protein sources

➡️ Only 50% Protein content

Hemp Protein 🌿

➡️ There are many alternatives to Whey Protein sources, it is all about picking the right one for you. For a few of the protein sources mentioned above it would be best to take as part of a mixed and balanced diet as you may be lacking in the amino acid, lysine for example and you will be require to get this else where in your diet.

Soy Protein 🌿

Rice Protein 🍚

✅ Contains all 9 essential amino acids (However contains little of  the amino-acid lysine)

✅ High in Protein

➡️ The majority of soy foods grown around the world are genetically modified meaning that they have been genetically altered to be resistant to certain herbicide. This may be a no go for health enthusiasts when considering soy protein.

✅ Contains all 9 essential amino acids (However contains little of  the amino-acid lysine)

✅ High in Protein

➡️ Rice may contain high levels of arsenic which is a toxin, so be sure to do research into the company you buy you rice protein powder from and is the rice filtered/cleaned properly before becoming powdered protein.

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