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The Benefits of Creatine

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What are the main benefits of taking creatine? - 

It's fantastic for increasing muscle mass, it can accelerate the rate at which muscle mass is added, can reduce fatigue and tiredness can fight against other neurological diseases, due to increasing phosphocreatine levels in the brain.


​How does creatine help with muscle growth and performance? -

When you contract your muscle (you use energy and your body converts ATP to ADP) therefore your body requires phosphocreatine to make ADP back to ATP for more energy. This happens when your body has readily available stores of creatine. Creatine is converted by the enzyme creatine kinase to make phosphocreatine and then phosphocreatine can convert ADP to ATP



Is creatine safe to take daily? -

It is one of the most researched supplements to date, showing no real adverse effects in clinical trails lasting up to 5 years for some candidates. It is super easy to buy, so add it to your diet and reap the benefits.


What are the potential side effects of creatine? -

With regards to hairloss, in most cases this is completely genetic and it is due (feel free not to read the boring science stuff) to the amount of free testosterone your body converts via the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme that converts Testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which in turn is one of the key contributors to male pattern baldness.


Does creatine cause bloating or weight gain?


Should you take creatine before or after a workout? -

A good rule of thumb for anyone would be taking 5g of creatine creapure monohydrate everyday in a glass of water or fruit juice 1 hour before you train or as soon as you complete your workout. Remember to take it on rest days too.


Is creatine only for athletes, or can anyone take it? 


Does creatine affect kidney or liver health? - It is one of the most researched supplements to date, showing no real adverse effects in clinical trails lasting up to 5 years for some candidates. It is super easy to buy, so add it to your diet and reap the benefits.



What is the best type of creatine to take? - I recommend Creatine Creapure Monohydrate, which is 99.99% creatine, allowing for better absorption. I buy mine from, you guessed it,


How much creatine should you take per day? -

 If you are eating a lot of red meat throughout the day, you are probably consuming 1-3g via your meat intake. However it is recommended to consume between 5-10g a day and even higher if you are a professional athlete.



Can creatine improve brain function and cognitive performance? -

 May prevent dopamine levels dropping, potentially preventing diseases such as Parkinson's disease.


Is creatine beneficial for endurance athletes, or just for strength training?


Do you need to cycle on and off creatine, or is it safe for long-term use? - 

As with most supplements there is a slight weaning off process, meaning if you are taking 10g of creatine a day it’s not advised to all of a sudden completely stop! It better to slowly wean off over a number of weeks, slowly decreasing your intake each day.

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